shai the word

She is the now girl.  More so than any actress except, possibly, Jennifer Lawrence.  Charming in The Secret Life of the American Teenager, dazzling opposite George Clooney in The Descendants, Shailene Woodley is set to light up the big screen in two of Hollywood’s most coveted roles: Tris Prior in Veronica Roth’s Divergent and Hazel Lancaster …

and action!

It’s just not summer without car chases, caped crusaders, pyrotechnics, zombie invasions and explosive fighting.  Action and superheroes are dominating the hottest season once again, and seriously, would we have it any other way?  Throw in some bikinied kung-fooers, clueless sophomores, bromances, gal pals, road trips, minions, smurfs, penguins, and Johnny Depp doing something strange and …

flicking into spring

Days are getting longer, thanks to an assist from DST, and it feels right to shake off the long winter blues with a visit to the local Cineplex.  Below you’ll find a list of upcoming films you may want to check out.  Some will be duds, some will surprise, and some will go straight to …

carpe diem, baby!

Seize the day!  Or as Homer Simpson says, “Seize the doughnut!”  Sooner or later we all have those carpe diem moments where we put aside all differences, all fears, all worries, and just go for it.  Nothing but net, eh?  Jonathan Larson, creator of the rock musical Rent, said it pretty well, “No day but today”.   …

movie buff

I love movies.  When I was a young lad living in the Philippines films would be shown in an old military-style Quonset hut.  It was air conditioned, cool, and dark…a great place to escape the heat.  The pictures were old but admittance was free.  I would stare transfixed at the flickering images as they transported me to …

jane dough

Jessica Chastain may create a little  magic this weekend when Guillermo Del Toro’s ‘Mama’ opens for business.  Chastain could possibly be starring in the number 1 and number 2 box-office movies by Monday.  That would make her Hollywood’s favorite color…green…as in dough, Jane Dough! Riding a wave of critical and monetary success Chastain has appeared …


Tonight the Golden Globe Awards will be handed out in Hollywood and I couldn’t be more excited.  Well, actually I could get a lot more excited but I do have brewski in the fridge and I am going to watch.  The Globes are my favorite award show of the season. While the Academy Awards have more “prestige,” …

deconstructing the mythology of ‘cool’

This is a huge week for Quentin Tarantino fans.  On Tuesday his classic Reservoir Dogs will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a one day only showing on the big screen. That will be followed on Thursday with a single day re-release of 1994’s Pulp Fiction…his Oscar winning (best screenplay) masterpiece.  I’ve always felt that Q.T. …